
New York City, baby.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Reid And Weep

I had an argument the other day on why Tara Reid's career was in mid-fiery crash. My friend said that her career nose-dived because she had no talent and this had been revealed over time to those in the position to hire her. I claimed that her botched tit job was the reason for her current and future career woes. After ten minutes of going back and forth I refined my position. "Fine, the fact she has no talent would have eventually led to considerably diminished on-screen appearances, but certainly that tit job hastened a blowout. She could have eked out at least six or seven critically despised movies - think Jennifer Love Hewitt in the late 90s - before the career stalled. The Frankenstien tit job killed all that. What can she play now? Besides a stripper? Her sexy girl-next-door aura - her sole appeal - has been ripped open like the sad little nipple on her right breast and no amount of surgery can stitch that back together."


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